Prudence True

The Art of Wisdom

through Ancient Words

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 Born Orthodox 

1 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        Where you're born is a matter beyond your control, and you never know how it feels to live beneath someone else's skin. When you're born an Orthodox Christian, you don't give it much thought. Why should you? Maybe you ponder the color of your hair or eyes, but this is often when you're wishing your hair was another color and your eyes were a different shade.

         But when you're born Orthodox, other Christian faith's seem more puzzling than appealing, and wishing for another shade of Christianity is like dying your hair green - just not appealing. When others make a fuss about their discovery, all you see is what you've always seen. There before your eyes is the Ancient Faith you've known since birth.

        And when new twists, spins, and skips are introduced to refine the Ancient Faith, then those with a lifetime of experience as Orthodox Christians ponder how any new twists, spins, and skips improve an already full and complete Faith. Showing respect for those who have spent years treading along the path of Orthodoxy and their views, unites those born Orthodox and those eager to forge ahead with their new discovery. 

        Where you're born doesn't matter at all, where you finish is the key.  

    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


 Being Grateful 

2 March 2010

Dear Souls -


    "Be grateful, therefore, for the least gift and you will be worthy to receive a greater. Consider the least gift as the greatest, the most contemptible as something special. And, if you but look to the dignity of the Giver, no gift will appear too small or worthless. Even though He gives punishments and scourges, accept them, because He acts for our welfare in whatever He allows to befall us.

    He who desires to keep the grace of God ought to be grateful when it is given and patient when it is withdrawn. Let him pray that it return; let him be cautious and humble lest he lose it."

The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis, 1420


The Angelus, Jean-Francois Millet, 1857
    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence



3 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        "Now this God is glorified by His Word, who is His son eternal, and by the Holy Spirit, who is the Wisdom of the Father of all. And the powers of these, being of the Word and Wisdom, which are called Cherubim and Seraphim, with unceasing voices glorify God; and every created thing that is in the heavens offers glory to God the Father of all. He by His Word has created the whole world, and in the world are the angels. And to all the world He has given laws, wherein each thing should abide. And according to that which is determined by God should not pass their bounds, with each fulfilling his appointed task." The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching - St. Irenaeus, 130-200

        But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


Ten Thousands of Angels  

4 March 2010

Dear Souls -

    Although I should give more thought to the angels each day, this passage when said aloud by the priest during Divine Liturgy always touches my heart.  

    "For all these things we give thanks unto Thee, to Thine Only-begotten Son, and to Thy Holy Spirit, for all things whereof we know, and whereof we know not; for the benefits both manifest and hidden which have come upon us. We give thanks unto Thee also for this service which Thou hast been pleased to accept from our hands, though there stand before Thee thousands of archangels and ten thousands of angels, the Cherubim and Seraphim, six-winged, many-eyed, borne aloft on their wings." 

Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, 347-407 -  the present day Orthodox Christian Liturgy

    The image created in my mind here is precise, and even with my penchant for nabbing web photos I don't think there exists a picture reflecting this as well as it is stated here:

        "...there stand before Thee thousands of archangels and ten thousands of angels, the Cherubim and Seraphim, six-winged, many-eyed, borne aloft on their wings." 

   There is comfort in this view of the world surrounded by a crowd of angels (although at times I wonder if they aren't paying as much attention as they should). This is, I believe, the peace which you find in those who spend years practicing an unchanging Faith. There is a steadiness in a Liturgy which began around the fifth century and in which today we hear: 

    "...there stand before Thee thousands of archangels and ten thousands of angels, the Cherubim and Seraphim, six-winged, many-eyed, borne aloft on their wings." 

    The simple gestures (twists, spins, and skips) are tiny drops in a Faith where the Liturgy was written sixteen hundred years ago. Thousands of archangels surround this insignificant world, and to back them up they have ten thousands of angels.

    We are slogging along, but we are not alone.

        But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


A Garden for Lent  

5 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        The spirit of Lent involves far more than my tummy and my heart. For me the spirit of Lent also involves planting a garden with seeds of reconciliation.

Reconcile: make friendly again after an estrangement







    The garden of reconciliation is difficult but not impossible to plant in this climate. With love, patience, and determination this garden would thrive and sustain future generations of Christians.

        Others brighter and far more influential than myself advocate the planting of this garden, and believe we have spent too many years whining about all the weeds in the fields.  

    A garden full of seeds is better than the field of tired old weeds, which has flourished for the past thousand years.

        In the Spirit of Lent I shall plant seeds in the garden of Reconciliation, because the field of weeds dividing The Church has overgrown.

Garden of Reconciliation

   Please take seeds and help plant the garden of Reconciliation.    

      But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence

For wiser thoughts on the garden of Reconciliation link below:

 Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev - Prospects for Catholic and Orthodox Relations


A Balancing Act  

6 March 2010

Dear Souls -

       Though this isn't my place to explain, I will make a feeble attempt....

    I've heard some wonder why certain Orthodox Christians tend to remain quiet about their faith.

    I've heard others wonder about Orthodox Christians who are at ease with overt displays of faith. 

       Both views have strengths, but I see the balance lying near the midline.

    The differences become apparent when it comes to sharing the Orthodox faith with others. Then, one group is in its element sharing their faith - perhaps they've had years of public faith-sharing experience. The other group, though, sees faith as a private matter between an individual and God; sharing your faith is considered overbearing, intrusive, and judgmental (yes, I'm aware these same individuals will stun you with their candor when discussing subjects other than their faith). But for them, the subject of faith is private, and a level of respect and distance is given to discussions of religion.

        Those at ease sharing their faith, and with years of public faith-sharing experience, then tackle painting the public face of Orthodoxy. And those seeing their faith as private, watch from a quiet distance, as the face of Orthodoxy is painted by the talent and skill of others.

        The balance lies near the midline.        


    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence



7 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        Sunday morning.

    But, here lies the path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


On Grace  

9 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        "Here is the shortest and easiest path to salvation: Be obedient and temperate, do not judge and keep your mind and heart free of evil thoughts; believe instead that all people are kind and that God loves them. For these humble thoughts the grace of the Holy Spirit will live within you, and you will say, 'God is merciful.'" St. Silouan the Athonite, 1866-1938

    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


Simple and True 

10 March 2010

Dear Souls -

             The simple truth is.... 

    -I'm not a theologian, and I never studied fancy theology of any sort. 

    -Listening to me quote Scripture by heart doesn't take much time, since all I know are ten commandments.    

    -I attended Bible study once in my life; they asked me not to return. (Warning: A cradle Orthodox Christian forms steam when mixed with an Evangelical Bible study group.)

    -Divine Liturgy and prayer are important. When, where, or how you sit, stand, or cross yourself are not.

    -Coffee hour is optional.

    -Orthodox Christianity is not new for me or for my mother and father, or their mothers and fathers, or their mothers and fathers, or their mothers and fathers - we've done this forever (and we have a lot to offer).

        -Your path may have twisted and turned for years before bringing you here; now keep your eyes focused ahead.

    -I'm a struggler, and I'm terrible at fasting and following rules.

    -My heart speaks to me loud and clear; I listen whether I want to or not - thus the reason I'm writing here.

        -Attend Church, pray, and read . . . a tiny bit. But most of all help others . . . every single day.


Not Me
    But, here lies the simple truth.

        Yours, Prudence

         P.S. My mother and father did not name me Prudence.


A Cloudy Sky  

11 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        Please forgive me for my ignorance, but I'm a sheltered soul. Watching the news causes me too much pain - so I don't. Watching TV shows wastes too much time - so I don't. Browsing through blogs written by wandering Christian souls gives me grief - so I either close my eyes, or share my own perspective (which differs from the common thread on the web).

        From my limited view, I see those who want instant faith. But, I don't believe this option was ever offered (a nice Bible quote would fit here). Orthodoxy is a long slow faith, without rock solid answers. Maybe you could even call it a wishy-washy faith. There are other faiths with solid answers, maybe even elaborate rule books. But, not within Orthodoxy. The Orthodox mind takes time to settle into the Orthodox heart. The fast lane faith is the one with the rock bands, and cheery pastors. If you sign on to the Orthodox path, then rest easy, settle back for a long trip, and tuck the rule book away somewhere difficult to reach.

       An Orthodox way of life is not built on firm logic - consider where the faith originated. The traditional Orthodox cultures are not straight-laced Protestant work ethic cultures. They are warm, fuzzy, worry about your neighbor cultures. The Orthodox culture is not a which way do I turn to save my own soul culture. Orthodoxy is a living faith of the heart.

       Maybe you spend hours reading Orthodox books, following Orthodox fasts, and discussing  Orthodox issues with others, and then perhaps you wonder why the Orthodox faith isn't clicking in your heart.

    Have you spent decades surrounded by mature Orthodox Christians?

       Have you spent decades attending Divine Liturgy?

       Have you asked yourself what it is you're expecting from a Faith that was established 2000 years ago?

        Is it possible you're looking for a fast remedy for a wounded soul?

    An Orthodox Christian journey begins with Baptism and Chrismation, and then drags on until the final moment. If you're in a hurry, take a deep breath and slow down. This is a long climb, and there isn't an aerial tram.


    Forgive me, I lack the wisdom of others from well-traveled Christian paths. My climb has been on a single mountain with unchanging scenery.      

        Yours, Prudence


Old Country Woman  

12 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        You may remember when I first introduced you to my grandmother, Tata (26 January post). Though she first came to the United States from Jerusalem in the early 1920's, her Orthodox faith remained  strong throughout her life (she died ten years ago). Living ninety years she witnessed vast societal change, but her commitment to Orthodoxy never wavered.

        Her four children were all baptised Orthodox Christians, married in the Orthodox Church, and then baptised their own children Orthodox - in all, a large, loud, energetic group of Orthodox Christians. Until the late 1970s when a few of her loud, energetic grandchildren found their way to the "Jesus Movement". 

        Now, imagine a simple old country grandmother confronted by her "born again" grandchildren and their new found friendship with Jesus Christ.

     They would (of course) ask her if she'd been saved.

    She would shake her head, control her anger, and say, "You're telling me about finding Christ?"

        I imagine her as a child in the Old City of Jerusalem, and knowing in the early twentieth century there existed a large Orthodox Christian community, she never experienced other Christians groups witnessing for Christ.

        At some point here in this country, badgering others about Christ became acceptable.

        I suspect if you're reading this, then there is a possibility that sometime in the past you may have badgered others about their relationship with Christ.

        From the time my grandmother arrived here in the U.S. until the present day, Orthodox Christians have dodged badgering from other Christian groups witnessing for Christ.

    And within the Orthodox Christian culture, badgering others about Christ is considered poor form.

       We extend the offer to come and see.

    The door is open, so please come and see the Orthodox Church, and there within The Church you will find the Holy Trinity.

        But neither Tata nor I would ever in the past, present, or future, badger you about Christ.


    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


Too Much Volume 

14 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        Writing here gives me the opportunity to jump topics at my whim - this may confuse you, but my writing roams with my thoughts. And, today my mind roams to the volume button I first mentioned on 28 February (take a peek if you've forgotten).

        When I listen to a favorite song (as with all songs I like) I turn the volume way up. Link here: Hey Jude and listen with the volume turned high.

        But with the volume of your heart turned too high, it hurts more than your ears and causes pain in a stinging, uncomfortable way. Some access their volume button, but lack the ability to control and adjust this volume - a handicap (which doesn't come with front row parking spaces). Too much information comes at them from all directions, and at the worst times.

        Others, though, are fortunate and adjust the volume of their heart with precision. When the volume button is low, excessive noise is filtered, which prevents painful sensory overload of the heart. 

        From my perspective, walking through life without a volume button ensures solid footing here on the ground. You know what you see, and all you see is what is known. For most, sensory overload comes through all the proper channels, not through the heart.


High Volume
Low Volume
        For others, sensory overload comes through the heart.
Transfiguration - Raphael, 1520
    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


Threads of God 

16 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        There is a simple way of seeing the threads of God in your life. You must have open eyes and an open heart; if you look around you'll see the traces. Let me illustrate.

        The other day someone mentioned to me, "I met a man named Jude."

     A man named Jude? "Jude is a woman's name, isn't it?" I asked.

        We looked at each other, paused, and began singing . . . Hey Jude. (See the story above.)

         I dug out my original Hey Jude album to play on the garage sale turntable I keep for just these moments. 

        And last night when our dinner guests arrived Hey Jude was still playing.

        "Did you know if you listen closely near the end of the song you hear George Harrison say, 'I have to go to the bathroom?'" Our wise dinner guest commented soon after he stepped through the door.

        More digging, more Beatles albums, and more loud music. But the album I pulled out was Introducing the Beatles.

        Sure, I know the first Beatles album, Introducing the Beatles, is the single most counterfeited album. But after examining the album and using the criteria for an original, mono LP copy of Introducing the Beatles, it is possible, by collecting other peoples old stuff, I've got an original copy.

        Threads of God lead you from one place to another, and if you pay attention you'll see the pattern.

        An orignal copy of Introducing the Beatles tucked away in my closet is unlikely, but anything is possible . . . remind me to tell you about my parking lot diamond.  



       Rare album or not, spending the evening with close friends, laughing, singing, and pondering possibilities - there exist the threads of God in my life. 

            But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


An Imperfect World 

17 March 2010

Dear Souls -

      "God deliver us from people who wish to serve Him yet who are mindful of their own honour. Reflect how little they gain from this; for, as I have said, the very act of desiring honour robs us of it, especially in matters of privilege: there is no poison in the world which is so fatal to perfection."

The Way of Perfection - St. Teresa of  Avila, 1565

    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


For the Hungry

18 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        My thoughts today are for those who go hungry. What is it I do to help others who struggle each day for food? Are my cares only for myself and my limited world view? And each time I hand money to those who ask, I wonder if I've given enough.

                                                                         Link here: For the Hungry - FOCUS

          Yours, Prudence


My Garden of Faith 

19 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        Here I sit writing and thinking about tomorrow, the first day of spring. Yesterday I bought plants for the garden, although all my talent lies in buying plants, not growing plants. Each spring as I plant vegetables, I hope this is the year my garden thrives. (And perhaps the sprinkling system won't break again when I leave for vacation.) But given my history, I'm selective about the vegetables I plant, and stick to those a small child could grow with their eyes closed.

        Paring down the garden to simple plants which grow with minimal attention, and avoiding those plants which have a low yield for the time and energy invested in their growth (or demise) keeps me on my steady, though unsuccessful, gardening path. I'd never consider not planting the garden, because I'm determined to succeed. With my focus on a few sure varieties, I increase the odds of a garden which bears fruit.

     The garden in my life is simple and unsophisticated.  

    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence

    "If you wish me to write long letters inform me of this, and pray do not deceive me by saying you have thrown off all despondency, and are enjoying a season of rest. For letters are a remedy of the proper kind to produce great cheerfulness in thee, and you will continually see letters from me. And when you write me again do not say 'I have much comfort from your letters,' for this I know of myself, but tell me you have as much as I wish you to have, that you are not confounded with sorrow, that you do not pass your time in weeping, but in serenity and cheerfulness."  

Letters to Olympias - St. John Chrysostom , 347-407    


A Poetic Letter 

20 March 2010

Dear Souls -

     From St. John Chrysostom to his friend Olympias:

        To my Lady, 

            The most reverend and divinely favored deaconess Olympias, I John, Bishop, send greeting in the Lord.

     Come now let me relieve the wound of your despondency, and disperse the thoughts which gather this cloud of care around thee. For what is it which upsets your mind, and why are you sorrowful and dejected? Is it because of the fierce black storm which has overtaken the Church, enveloping all things in darkness, as of a night without a moon, and is growing to a head every day, travailing to bring forth disastrous shipwrecks, and increasing the ruin of the world? I know all this as well as you; none shall deny it, and if you like I will form an image of the things now taking place so as to present the tragedy yet more distinctly to thee.

    We behold a sea upheaved from the very lowest depths, some sailors floating dead upon the waves, others engulfed by them, the planks of the ships breaking up, the sails torn to tatters, the masts sprung, the oars dashed out of the sailors’ hands, the pilots seated on the deck, clasping their knees with their hands instead of grasping the rudder, bewailing the hopelessness of their situation with sharp cries and bitter lamentations, neither sky nor sea clearly visible, but all one deep and impenetrable darkness, so that no one can see his neighbour, while mighty is the roaring of the billows, and monsters of the sea attack the crews on every side....

Letters to Olympias - St. John Chrysostom , 347-407

        I wonder what St. John would write to Olympias today?

        Yours, Prudence


The Impractical Schism 

22 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        As I've mentioned before, I'm not a theologian; I'm an ordinary Orthodox Christian, born lucky. Maybe if I weren't born into Orthodoxy I'd better grasp the struggle which exists between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. But, I'm ignorant and confused - why do I care about disagreements which are a thousand years old ( and even older than the Protestant faith)? An inability to resolve issues for centuries, perplexes my simple mind. Why not offer a truce? Wave the white flag, shake hands, and move forward. (Then spend the next ten centuries haggling over the details, if you wish.)

        From my view, I've always admired the Catholic Church for the following reasons:

        - Most American cities have at least one Catholic Church.

        - Most Americans know what the Catholic Church is, and it doesn't involve a lengthy explanation.

        - If you attend a Catholic Mass you will not be there for hours and hours (sorry, I know this will be unpopular, but it's the truth).

        - They know who their leader is, and most people even know his name.

        - They have a main office.

        - They have Catholic Schools where you can educate your children. 

        - They have beautiful art (just my own simple thoughts).

        Now the list of reasons why this Impractical Schism has lasted for centuries is no doubt more impressive, but isn't focusing on common ground less divisive? And I've often wondered if the leadership of The Church was composed of females instead of males, would a resolution have been found in less than ten centuries (ouch, sorry)?

            A divided Church is all we've known since The Great Schism, but the twenty-first century name for the event in 1054 should now be: The Great Impractical Schism.

       See this article in the New York Times today:

                 Link here - The Impractical Schism 

    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


 "All About Me"  

24 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        Let me confess, I love to eavesdrop. You will recognize me as the woman at the next table who is pretending not to listen, but is actually straining to hear your every word. Cellphone conversations, I believe, are a free for all. If you're standing in line somewhere gabbing on your phone, I'm the woman nearby hanging on your every word. And the conversations I overhear fascinate me.

        Today as I sat at my local (unnamed) coffee-house-on-every-corner, I listened to a young woman blabbering to her male friend about her ongoing health issues. It seems she had sought "Western" medical treatment as well as holistic treatment for gastrointestinal disturbances, and she needed to have her system purified and rebalanced. Then she gracefully transitioned to issues she has with her elbows (I think this was from her yoga practice, but I'm not sure). After concluding her rather loud descriptions of her troubles, she said good-bye to her patient friend and dashed off.

        Eavesdropping is a snapshot of a random individual's life.

        Because the world is not all about me.      

Not About Me
    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


 Do You See?  

25 March 2010

Dear Souls -

         "Do you see the abundance of resources belonging to God? His wisdom, His extraordinary power, His loving-kindness and care? Be not dismayed or troubled but continue to give thanks to God for all things, praising, and invoking Him; beseeching and supplicating; even if countless tumults and troubles come upon thee, even if tempests are stirred up before thy eyes let none of these things disturb thee.

    For our Master is not baffled by the difficulty, even if all things are reduced to the extremity of ruin. For it is possible for Him to raise those who have fallen, to convert those who are in error, to set straight those who have been ensnared, to release those who have been laden with countless sins, and make them righteous, to quicken those who are dead, to restore lustre to decayed things, and freshness to those which have waxen old.

    For if He makes things which are not, come into being, and bestows existence on things which are nowhere by any means manifest, how much more will He rectify things which already exist."

Letters to Olympias - St. John Chrysostom , 347-407

    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence



26 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        "Now, once for all, if you wish your property to abide with you in security and yet to further  increase, I will show thee the plan and the place where none of those who have designs upon it will be allowed to enter.

    What then is the place?

    It is Heaven....

    If you deposit these goods in the other world, you will find much profit arising from them. For all things which we plant in Heaven yield a large and abundant crop, such as might naturally be expected from things which have their roots,

    in Heaven...."

Letter to a Young Widow - St. John Chrysostom , 380

The Madonna of the Rabbit - Titian, 1525
    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


 As a Man . . .  

27 March 2010

Dear Souls -

       "For the mind of man having fallen to things of sense, the Word disguised Himself by appearing in a body, that He might as a Man, transfer men to Himself, and center their senses on Himself; and men seeing Him thenceforth as Man, persuade them by the works He did that He is not Man only, but also God, and the Word and Wisdom of the true God."

On the Incarnation of the Word - St. Athanasius, 318

Raising of Lazarus - Guercino, 1619
    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


 On a Donkey . . . 

28 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        "Accordingly, when inspired writers on this matter speak of Him as eating and being born, understand that the body, as body, was born and sustained with food corresponding to its nature. While God, the Word Himself, who was united with the body, while ordering all things, also by the works He did in the body showed Himself to be not man, but God the Word.

    But these things are said of Him, because the actual body which ate, was born, and suffered, and belonged to none other, but to the Lord. And because having become man, it was proper for these things to be predicated of Him as man, to show Him to have a body in truth, and not in seeming.

    But just as from these things He was known to be bodily present, so from the works He did in the body He made Himself known to be the Son of God."

On the Incarnation of the Word - St. Athanasius, 318

Entry into Jerusalem - Giotto, 1306
    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


 They Failed to See . . . 

30 March 2010

Dear Souls -

      "But all this it seemed well for the Saviour to do, since men had failed to know His Providence revealed in the universe, and had failed to perceive His Godhead shown in creation.

    They might from the works of His body recover their sight, and through Him receive an idea of the knowledge of the Father, inferring, as I said before, from particular cases His Providence over the whole.

    For who that saw His power over evil spirits, or who that saw the evil spirits confess He was their Lord, will hold his mind any longer in doubt whether this be,

    the Son, and Wisdom, and Power of God...."

    "But our next step must be to recount and speak of the end of His bodily life and course, and of the nature of the death of His body; especially as this is the sum of our Faith, and all men without exception are filled with it.

    So you may know no whit the less from this also,

    Christ is known to be God,

    and the Son of God."

       On the Incarnation of the Word - St. Athanasius, 318

    But, here lies a path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence


 Yet He Died and Rose Again 

31 March 2010

Dear Souls -

        "And do not be surprised if we frequently repeat the same words on the same subject. For since we are speaking of the counsel of God, therefore we expound the same sense in more than one form, lest we should seem to be leaving anything out, and incur the charge of inadequate treatment.

    For it is better to submit to the blame of repetition than to leave out anything that ought to be set down."

        "The body, then, as sharing the same nature with all, for it was a human body, though by an unparalleled miracle it was formed of a virgin only, yet being mortal, was to die also, conformably to its peers....

     And so it was that two marvels came to pass at once, that the death of all was accomplished in the Lord’s body, and that death and corruption were wholly done away by reason of the Word that was united with it.

    For there was need of death, and death need be suffered on behalf of all, that the debt owing from all might be paid. Whence, as I said before, the Word, since it was not possible for Him to die, as He was immortal, took to Himself a body such as could die, that He might offer it as His own in the stead of all, and as suffering, through His union with it,

    on behalf of all..."

On the Incarnation of the Word - St. Athanasius, 318

    But, here lies the path towards wisdom.

        Yours, Prudence

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