Prudence True

The Art of Wisdom

through Ancient Words

A Path to Your Heart:


Peaceful Heart


5 August 2011

Dear Souls -


Become as Little Children


9 August 2011

Dear Souls -

           All Orthodox souls are not called to monasticism. Most of us are called to live in this world as ordinary Christians. The calling to monasticism is unique and set apart from the calling for life in the world. When we muddle up the life of an ordinary Orthodox soul with the life of a monastic, we blend two different calls from God. Living an ascetic life in the world is complex and not for everyone . . . most of us would fail.

          Confusing the monastic lifestyle with life in the world is a trend in some Orthodox communities. It's clear to me I'm not a monastic, and I'm happy with this personal choice.

         "Playing monasticism is like playing marriage," says a very wise monastic. "And you do not play marriage," he adds with the look of an elder, although he's not old.

          Within the tradition of Orthodoxy, the division between the life of a monastic and life in the world is clear. If you live in a home with others and none of them are an Abbess or Abbot, then you are not a monastic. If you are still not clear, then ask your priest for help. If your priest seems unsure whether or not he is a monastic, then suggest he ask his bishop. And if the bishop is unclear, then you are in serious trouble and only God can help.

          The path to your heart is a long winding road,

          and on this path you must find the humility of a child.


Pie Tea?


15 August 2011

Dear Souls -

           Religion is not my world;

           I never learned Christian speak.

           I'm ordinary, ordinary, ordinary.

           Piety puzzles me.

           Pie Tea?


           My Faith

           is Freedom

           for me.

           Monty's Spam


Know Yourself


18 August 2011

Dear Souls -

         Knowing yourself translates to knowing what you are not.

         Masquerading as someone you're not,

         cloaks your heart

         with something you're not. 

         A complicated masquerade requires an elaborate costume,

         dressing as yourself does not.

         We're born as ourselves,

          but we dress as someone else.

          Wolves dress as sheep.

           Sheep dress as cows.

           Cows dress as goats.

            Knowing yourself requires

            knowing what you are not.

             Being where you are requires

             not being what you are not.


             Wolves are wolves.

              Sheep are sheep.

              Cows are cows.

               A goat is a goat.

               Seeing yourself is

               being you.




19 August 2011

Dear Souls -

          Timing is everything. I haven't much courage. And fortitude is my second favorite word. As I embark on the mission of starting a Mission Church, I'm the single least likely individual for this endeavor. I don't like church operations, and I'm often the first to sneak away from the post Liturgy social gathering.

          For the past few years I seek a particular person after Liturgy in the rose garden. He wears a long black robe (cassock) and he offers the wisdom and guidance that keeps me writing here even when I'm inclined toward seclusion. His steady hand stays my course, and I depend on his threats of a vicious scolding to keep me out of serious trouble.

          Fortitude is everything. I haven't much courage without the guidance of this wise soul. It's important to recognize why you are what you are and when you are something because wisdom stands beside you in your corner.

           "Trouble" he calls me, when I'm stirring the pot.

           And "Prudence" he calls me when I'm not.

             Homilies of Fr. Jon Braun


